Event February 25th, 2010. Doors open 09:30 pm.
No physical tickets will be provided or mailed. Must be 18 years of age to enter event. Must be 21 years of age to enter bar area of venue. A government issued idea proving age must be presented for entrance to the venue. Bring government issued I.D. or Paypal receipt to event to provide proof of pre-sale ticket purchase. If an ID is used, the ID MUST BE THE SAME NAME AS PAYPAL/CREDIT CARD NAME. Event producers are not responsible/liable for any emotional or physical injuries, bodily harm, death, loss or damaged property, incurred by participation, travel, association, etc for event. No illegal activities, actions, or substances will be tolerated at this event. Ticket buyer assumes ALL personal and/or legal responsibility for themselves while involved in participation in this event. By purchasing entry to the event, the buyer agrees to all these terms and conditions.